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A Glimpse of Where It All Began - Memories of Summer Induction -

Summer Induction – the first step to changing lives through AIESEC

Summer Induction 2024 – AIESEC in University of Kelaniya

AIESEC’s New Chapter

The Summer Induction marked a key milestone for AIESEC in University of Kelaniya on February 8, 2023. It welcomed newbies (newly recruited members) into the organization. Further this event was very significant in carrying the legacy of AIESEC in University of Kelaniya. In addition, an engaging icebreaker kicked off the day, building connections between members. It set newbies up for success in their AIESEC journey. After that, the Executive Board and the event coordinators extended a warm greeting to the newbies.

Discovering Leaders

After the fun icebreaker, Ama Niyangoda , the local committee president, explained to the newbies what AIESEC is all about. In addition, Ama Niyangoda, and  Bawanthi Imesha  passionately talked about their AIESEC journey creating a sense of inspiration. After that, the outstanding Local Committee Vice Presidents explained their functions to the newbies. Likewise the Executive Board briefed members on AIESEC’s culture, and the history of the local committee in Colombo North. Accordingly, they also explained to them about the back and front office functions too.

The fun side
Above all ,the spotlight in AIESEC shines during ‘roll calls’. Simply put, it’s a unique dance style and an identity among various AIESEC entities. However this concept was totally different for newbies. But they did not hesitate to be a part of this fun and enjoyed it too. They loved the hype after screaming  ‘What’s up ‘when an AIESECer calls ‘Hey AIESEC’  too. Furthermore, they also loved the concept of ‘Sugar Cubes,’ a special tradition in AIESEC. Specifically, everyone writes a message or note to fellow members or the executive board at the event’s end.
Finally, this perfect event came to an end, and everyone carried new memories with them. Whenever they look back, it will be a day to remember in their AIESEC journey, where the change began.
Written by,
Githmi De Silva
Content writer
AIESEC in University of Kelaniya
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