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Change starts in your thoughts -

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National Showcasing Team of AIESEC in Sri Lanka proudly presented the 4th episode of the podcast series, #ThroughTheEyesOfATrendsetter under the main topic “Change starts in your thoughts”. It was brought out with the presence of Mr. Fahad Farook, International Trainer and Certified Transformational Coach at FahadFarook.com as the guest speaker and Mr. Arfan Nazar, the National Director for Incoming Global Talent and Teacher, AIESEC Sri Lanka 20.21 as the moderator.

The capacity of human beings to change is remarkable.

The episode began with the question about how the curiosity of Mr. Fahad Farook as a child has enabled him to become the person he is today. Answering the question Mr. Fahad took a trip down memory lane. He was a shy and introverted kid back then who had the fear of public speaking. He used to create other worlds in his mind to escape into the world of cartoons and superheroes which made him a curious child. This curious mind started to question everything that was happening around him which made him question as to why we are following the things that the world says that we are supposed to be doing. These questions made him research how people’s minds work and how those belief systems are being made. It made him realize that the capacity of human beings to transform is truly remarkable if there is the right balance of everything aligning. 

What if I could be somebody else?

Mr. Fahad Farook

Mr. Fahad Farook

Mr. Fahad continued his answer by sharing how he had a change from the shy introverted kid to the person he is today. His curiosity made him question himself and it made him wonder what if he didn’t have to be himself. It was about finding a different part of his personality. He started experimenting with himself. He started doing different things like reading the news at radio stations, doing voice-overs, and announcing. These attempts made him realize that once he channels these other personalities he was able to do other things without the inhibitions that held him back. He could apply these alternative personalities to those things that he was afraid of. As he says that is the root of understanding that people are capable of great transformation.  Moreover, he highlighted the fact that we do not have to run away from our fears. Instead, we will have to look transformative into whom we want to become in the future. He summed up his answer to the question by saying that though he is now different from what he was as a kid that doesn’t give the impression that personality is gone. He ended up the answer with a powerful message that different personas can co-exist. 

Keep exploring constantly

Moving the conversation forward Mr. Arfan directed the next question, “Would the curiosity you have to drive you to try more things in the future?”. Answering the question, Mr. Fahad explained that humanity’s greatest asset is the fact that we constantly keep exploring. That is a part of who we are. He said that there is always a better way to whatever we think that we are doing the best. He highlighted the fact that though we think that it is enough what we have to understand if we chose to think that this is not enough we still can curiously explore more. It is all about figuring out the right balance. 

Being stubbornly persistent

Mr. Arfan Nazar

Mr. Arfan Nazar

Mr. Arfan raised his next question based on the values of stubborn persistence, combining wisdom with energy, coloring outside the lines, and being the energy that has been defined by Mr. Fahad. Answering that, he explained how willpower is a diminishing resource and that if you want to continue something all you got to do is to be persistent. That means to set your mind to the fact that you are going to complete the task no matter what. He went on to say that for anything that we are doing we require energy and it is about how we introduce our energy to others. So that we can inspire them to change and pursue something in their lives. This energy is not adequate. For that energy to work we need to put some cerebral thought into it so that people connect with it and that is where combining wisdom with energy comes in. So as Mr. Fahad mentioned that it is about figuring out different perspectives to look at a person or a problem, be stubborn about it and transform it. 
“ If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration” – Nikola Tesla
Mr. Arfan directed the next question based on the above quote by Nikola Tesla. He asked about how Mr. Fahad incorporates this quote in his life and how he conveys his message of transformation and inspires people through this. Answering the question he said that for him that quote is about the person. He explained that the language we use, the thoughts we share, and the actions we do are our frequency and vibration. The energy in his terms is the intensity at which we do it. In a nutshell, he said that we need to let our minds wander and go to alternative places and explanations. 

Can you believe that you only have less than 10 years to focus to change yourself completely?

Before winding up the fourth episode of the Podcast Series of Season 2 powered by the National Showcasing Team of AIESEC in Sri Lanka, Mr. Arfan gave the space to Mr. Fahad to share his message with the listeners as to how they can keep achieving what they want. Answering the question in an interesting way Mr. Fahad made the listeners realize that though the average life expectancy for a human being is about 70 years. We only have less than 10 years to dedicate to ourselves without any distractions. He asked to think about our past 10 years and think about how quickly it went.  He made the listeners realize that these other years will also go by in the blink of an eye. Thus, we want to find the energy and focus of what we want to achieve which will become our motivation to change because we get less time to focus on ourselves. With that message, the 4th episode of the podcast series of season 2 was terminated successfully revealing the journey of transformation of a great personality. In life you will get finite opportunities, it is up to you to take them. If you take these opportunities and create finite memories you will be able to say proudly that you have lived your life. The choice is yours. 
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