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Why should you genuine in effective online networking ? -

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What do you mean by Genuine Interest in effective online networking?

Genuine interest is a key component in effective online networking. Long before you start to build up networks with others you should express your genuine interest in them to know that both of you have the same thing in common and how are you going to connect with each other. In-person networking it’s quite easy to realize whether another person is truly authentic and genuine with you but expressing your genuine interest in online platforms is not convenient all the time without the actual behaviors and actions. You have to take a deliberate approach when connecting with the person for effective online networking.

Yes, it’s important to create effective online network connections but it’s more important to have GENUINE INTEREST.

Concept of online networking Here are a few tips of how your genuine interest can lead to effective online networking.

Understand your purpose in online networking 

First of all you need to ask yourself “Why should I connect with this person ? Why do I need to build up a connection with this person ? What am I going to receive from this person/group of people/organization/company ?” Concentrate on answers for those questions with a genuine mind before you connect with them. If your goals don’t match with them you may not have to build up connections. Your purposes should have the answer why you actually need to build up an online network with them.

Offer genuine complimentsOffer genuine

Sometimes being genuine in online networking can be seen as one-sided. Therefore you have to make sure that you will be giving genuine compliments. Sometimes not all compliments are equal to everyone, but being genuine is a must. If you take little time to make genuine compliments on someone in online networking, their interest in you can have a bigger impact for you and it will make them know that you genuinely care about them which is significant in effective online networking.

Devote your time and resources for an effective online network

Make some time to genuinely connect with them, at least twice a week. Make them realize that you have genuine intentions for them. You may have to prioritize offer time and resources for them rather than receiving and taking things from them. Share your relevant resources with them. 

Provide assistance for them

Ask people “ How can I help you?, Is there anything I can do for you?” You may always not be able to observe how and why they are working for you. Therefore you need to maintain trust and work with them even if the process takes a while.

Maintain your integrity

Always keep your integrity. It doesn’t matter whether It is in-person or online, integrity is necessary in creating effective networking. Hold into your moral codes, take full responsibility for your actions, words and work. If something harmful happens to them it would directly impact the reputation of you and your organization more than the misjudgement itself. We all are human beings, mistakes can happen but you need to apologize and let them know the consequences of your actions. You should not fake reviews, compliments or misleading others, spamming clients, mistreating your clients etc. Those actions portray the lack of integrity. Maintaining your integrity helps you to face crises, secure favourable publicity and makes your decisions easier.

Build up trustworthy bond

Building up trustful bonds is quite challenging in online networking since most of the time they are hidden or far away from you. You need to ensure your transparency and accountability, share high value content and product, and use social proof on your online platform in order to build the trust and reputation for effective online networking. Therefore building mutual relationships of trust with your clients is essential for building effective online networking.

Ask questions 

You should not have to actively listen but raise your voice, ask questions. The questions when you ask yourself when understanding your purpose should be the same ones when you find answers from people you meet through online platforms. Simply you can question their day or weekend. This would be a simple trick for you to establish strong bonds with genuine conversations by understanding whether they would fit into your goals. Asking questions emphasize their actual interest and desire to build rapport with you.

Showing a genuine interest in your community is important to everyone. The energy you put in will come and reward you if you act with genuine interest.

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